عرض جميع كتب P-S-L
On the Pressure Variation of Specific Heat of Liquids (1919)(en)(5s)
(0) تحميل كتاب On the Pressure Variation of Specific Heat of Liquids (1919)(en)(5s) -
An Example of Torsional Viscous Retrogression (1919)(en)(3s)
(1) تحميل كتاب An Example of Torsional Viscous Retrogression (1919)(en)(3s) كتب فيزي -
Thermophysical Properties of Materials Elsevier (1999)
(2) تحميل كتاب Thermophysical Properties of Materials Elsevier (1999) كتب فيزياء - ت -
Concepts of theoretical solid state physics (2001)
(0) تحميل كتاب Concepts of theoretical solid state physics (2001) كتب فيزياء - تحميل -
(Theory of Unconventional Superconductors _ Cooper Pairing Mediated by Spin Excitations Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
(2) تحميل كتاب (Theory of Unconventional Superconductors _ Cooper Pairing Mediated b -
(Solid State Physics, Vol. 60_ Advances in Research and Applications Academic Press (2006)
(2) تحميل كتاب (Solid State Physics, Vol. 60_ Advances in Research and Applications -
(Physics of Quantum Well Devices Springer (2001)
(1) تحميل كتاب (Physics of Quantum Well Devices Springer (2001) كتب فيزياء - تحميل م -
Nucleation Theory and Applications Wiley VCH (2005)
(1) تحميل كتاب Nucleation Theory and Applications Wiley VCH (2005) كتب فيزياء - تحمي -
(The quantum Hall effect_ Poincare seminar 2004 Birkhäuser Basel (2005)
(2) تحميل كتاب (The quantum Hall effect_ Poincare seminar 2004 Birkhäuser Basel -
Quantum theory of the optical and electronic properties of semiconductors World Scientific (2004)
(1) تحميل كتاب Quantum theory of the optical and electronic properties of semiconduc -
Superconductivity_ Physics and Applications Wiley (2004)
(1) تحميل كتاب Superconductivity_ Physics and Applications Wiley (2004) كتب فيزياء - -
(Conceptual foundations of materials_ a standard model for ground and excited state properties Elsevier
(2) تحميل كتاب (Conceptual foundations of materials_ a standard model for ground and -
Quantum Mechanics_ An Empiricist View (Clarendon Paperbacks) (1991)
(0) تحميل كتاب Quantum Mechanics_ An Empiricist View (Clarendon Paperbacks) (1991) ك -
(The physics of lyotropic liquid crystals_ phase transitions and structural properties Oxford Uni
(1) تحميل كتاب (The physics of lyotropic liquid crystals_ phase transitions and stru -
The Physics of Structural Phase Transitions Springer (2005)
(1) تحميل كتاب The Physics of Structural Phase Transitions Springer (2005) كتب فيزيا -
(Theory of superconductivity_ from weak to strong coupling Institute of Physics Pub (2003)
(1) تحميل كتاب (Theory of superconductivity_ from weak to strong coupling Institute -
(Paramagnetic Resonance in Solids Elsevier, Academic Press (1960)
(2) تحميل كتاب (Paramagnetic Resonance in Solids Elsevier, Academic Press (1960) كتب -
(The Taylor & Francis Masters series in physics and astronomy) Eoin O'Reilly Quantum theory of solids Taylor & Francis (2002)
(0) تحميل كتاب (The Taylor & Francis Masters series in physics and astronomy) Eo -
Spins in Optically Active Quantum Dots_ Concepts and Methods Wiley VCH (2010)
(2) تحميل كتاب Spins in Optically Active Quantum Dots_ Concepts and Methods Wiley VC -
Tensor properties of solids phenomenological development of the tensor properties of crystals MC (2010)
(1) تحميل كتاب Tensor properties of solids phenomenological development of the tenso
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