عرض جميع كتب P-S-L
[ Matrices_ Theory and Applications (2010, Springer Verlag New York)
(2) تحميل كتاب [ Matrices_ Theory and Applications (2010, Springer Verlag New York) -
[ Linear Matrix Inequalities in System & Control Theory (1994, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathe
(2) تحميل كتاب [ Linear Matrix Inequalities in System & Control Theory (1994, So -
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy_ Florentin Smarandache, Meena Kandasamy Fuzzy Interval Matrices, Neutroscopic Interval Matrices and Applns (2006, Hexis)
(1) تحميل كتاب W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy_ Florentin Smarandache, Meena Kandasamy Fu -
Fuzzy Interval Matrices, Neutroscopic Interval Matrices and Applns (2006, Hexis)
(2) تحميل كتاب Fuzzy Interval Matrices, Neutroscopic Interval Matrices and Applns (2 -
Calvo M., Villarroya A., Oller J.M. A biplot method for multivariate normal populations with unequal covariance matrices (2002)
(1) تحميل كتاب Calvo M., Villarroya A., Oller J.M. A biplot method for multivariat -
A biplot method for multivariate normal populations with unequal covariance matrices (2002)
(2) تحميل كتاب A biplot method for multivariate normal populations with unequal cova -
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy_ Florentin Smarandache_ K. Ilanthenral Applications of Bimatrices to Some Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Models (2005, Hexis)
(0) تحميل كتاب W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy_ Florentin Smarandache_ K. Ilanthenral App -
Applications of Bimatrices to Some Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Models (2005, Hexis)
(1) تحميل كتاب Applications of Bimatrices to Some Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Models (200 -
[Universitext] R.B. Bapat (auth.) Linear Algebra and Linear Models (2012, Springer Verlag London)
(1) تحميل كتاب [Universitext] R.B. Bapat (auth.) Linear Algebra and Linear Models -
Athans M., Schweppe F.C. Gradient Matrices and Matrix Calculations
(1) تحميل كتاب Athans M., Schweppe F.C. Gradient Matrices and Matrix Calculations -
Johansen S., Ramsey F.L. Bang Bang representation for 3 on 3 embeddable stochastic matrices (1979)
(0) تحميل كتاب Johansen S., Ramsey F.L. Bang Bang representation for 3 on 3 embedd -
Bang Bang representation for 3 on 3 embeddable stochastic matrices (1979)
(0) تحميل كتاب Bang Bang representation for 3 on 3 embeddable stochastic matrices (1 -
Nel D. G., Groenewald P. C. N. A Bayesian Approach to the Multivariate Behrens Fisher Problem Under the Assumption of Proportional Covariance Matric
(1) تحميل كتاب Nel D. G., Groenewald P. C. N. A Bayesian Approach to the Multivari -
A Bayesian Approach to the Multivariate Behrens Fisher Problem Under the Assumption of Proportional Covariance Matrices (1993)
(2) تحميل كتاب A Bayesian Approach to the Multivariate Behrens Fisher Problem Under -
Sage for Linear Algebra. A Supplement to A First Course in Linear Algebra (2011, University of Puget Sound)
(1) تحميل كتاب Sage for Linear Algebra. A Supplement to A First Course in Linear Alg -
Robert A. Beezer Sage for Linear Algebra. A Supplement to A First Course in Linear Algebra (2011, University of Puget Sound)
(1) تحميل كتاب Robert A. Beezer Sage for Linear Algebra. A Supplement to A First C -
J. C. Bourin Compressions, Dilations and Matrix Inequalities
(1) تحميل كتاب J. C. Bourin Compressions, Dilations and Matrix Inequalities كتب ف -
Compressions, Dilations and Matrix Inequalities
(0) تحميل كتاب Compressions, Dilations and Matrix Inequalities كتب في الرياضيات - تح -
designs with automorphisms of odd prime order, and their related Hadamard matrices and codes (2008)
(1) تحميل كتاب designs with automorphisms of odd prime order, and their related Hada -
Bouyukliev I., Fack V., Winne J. 2 (31,15,7), 2 (35,17,8) and 2 (36,15,6) designs with automorphisms of odd prime order, and their related Hadamard
(0) تحميل كتاب Bouyukliev I., Fack V., Winne J. 2 (31,15,7), 2 (35,17,8) and 2 (36
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