
الكتاب جنة؛ بل جنة الجنان.

Social Behaviour in Farm Animals.pdf

Animal welfare/behavior issues are becoming increasingly important. Combines theoretical and practical details about the social behavior of our most common farm species. Written by leading experts from around the world. An understanding of social behavior is increasingly necessary in farm animal husbandry as more animals are housed in groups rather than in individual stalls or pens. There may be economic or welfare reasons for such housing. This book is the first to specifically address this important subject. The chapters fall into three broad subject areas: concepts in social behavior, species specific chapters and current issues. Authors include leading experts from Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand.

Social Behaviour in Farm Animals.pdf

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التصنيف: المكتبة الجامعية -> الطب البيطري
نوع الملف: pdf
أضيف بواسطة: Y4$$3R N3T
بتاريخ: 01-11-2018
عدد مرات التحميل: 0
مرات الارسال: 20

عرض جميع الكتب التي أضيفت بواسطة: Y4$$3R N3T

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