
أندر من الكتاب الجيد.. القارئ الجيد.

Explanation of the Last Tenth of the Quran Followed By Rulings that Concern Every Muslim.pdf

للمؤلف: Group of Scholars
A summarized book that contains the most important matters that a Muslim needs in his life, from Quran, tafsir, fiqh rulings, beliefs, virtues ...etc. And the book is in 2 parts:
The first part includes the three last Ajza of the Quran with its tafsir from Zubdat At-Tafsir by shaikh Muhammad Al-Ashqar.
The second part contains rulings that concern the Muslim, which includes:
Rulings of Tajwid - 62 questions in aqeedah - A calm dialogue on Tawhid - Rulings of Islam Testimony of faith, purification, prayer, zakat, hajj - Miscellaneous points of benefit - Ruqya - Du’a - Adhkar - 100 acts of virtue - 70 forbidden matters - Illustrated description of wudu and prayer - The journey of eternity.
الدين الإسلامي -> كتب إسلامية متنوعة

Explanation of the Last Tenth of the Quran Followed By Rulings that Concern Every Muslim.pdf

تفاصيل كتاب Explanation of the Last Tenth of the Quran Followed By Rulings that Concern Every Muslim.pdf

للمؤلف: Group of Scholars
التصنيف: المكتبة الاسلامية -> كتب إسلامية باللغة الإنجليزية
نوع الملف: pdf
أضيف بواسطة: Y4$$3R N3T
بتاريخ: 20-10-2018
عدد مرات التحميل: 0
مرات الارسال: 27

عرض جميع الكتب التي أضيفت بواسطة: Y4$$3R N3T
عرض جميع الكتب للمؤلف: Group of Scholars

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